Monday, January 31, 2022
Saturday, January 29, 2022
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Monday, January 24, 2022
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Dissemination of the project - “L’OCCHIO DEL TESTIMONE – THE WITNESS’ EYE” in local media press
Parte da Pescara un progetto Erasmus+ dedicato a scuola e dad-
Per migliorare i risultati scolastici e la gratificazione dei docenti
...Gli obiettivi principali del lavoro, dunque, coniugano le
necessità di docenti ed educatori di stimolare l’attenzione degli studenti in
questo contesto critico, sia nella didattica cosiddetta in presenza che da
remoto, con quelle degli operatori culturali e degli artisti.
“Docenti ed educatori saranno beneficiari diretti di nove
moduli didattici audiovisivi che serviranno loro per sviluppare percorsi
creativi mediati da teatro, musica, danza e pittura a sostegno dell’istruzione,
suggerendo attività che supportino sia la Dad che la didattica in presenza”
aggiunge il progettista Fabrizio Paluzzi.
Per questa prima fase di L’Occhio del testimone, dunque, si
incontrano al Circolo Aternino dieci studenti di diverse scuole abruzzesi, tra
gli 11 e i 16 anni, per avviare la realizzazione dei primi moduli. Lo staff è
composto da operatori del mondo dello spettacolo, anche loro tutti abruzzesi. I
prodotti finali saranno quindi i moduli, un documentario didattico focalizzato
sul mondo dei ragazzi e una miniserie di dieci episodi, tutta incentrata sulle
peculiarità dell'adolescenza. Il titolo scelto per la miniserie è ispirato al
latino “ad alere” vale a dire “nutrire” da cui appunto il termine adolescenza.
Le attività si svolgono a porte chiuse ma sono trasmesse in diretta streaming
sul canale YouTube The Witness’ Eye - L’Occhio del testimone....
Scuola e dad, parte un progetto abruzzesefinanziato dalla Ue - Nella Notizia
… Un progetto che unisce le esigenze della scuola che cambia con il Covid e quelle degli operatori del mondo dello spettacolo, di fatto senza lavoro per la pandemia. “Siamo partiti dall’analisi del contesto critico e delle risposte date dai singoli Paesi coinvolti - spiega Fabrizio Paluzzi (foto) -. Nel campo dell’istruzione sono emerse esigenze legate alle competenze digitali dei docenti delle scuole primarie e secondarie e alle capacità e agli strumenti in loro possesso per catturare e mantenere alta l’attenzione, specie in Dad. Inoltre, categorie importanti e fondamentali per un Paese, come quelle di tutto il comparto arte e cultura, con il relativo terziario legato alla creatività e interconnesso con l'istruzione, sono state praticamente dimenticate. E quindi sono parte integrante del progetto”…
Scuola e Dad, progetto pescarese in Europa - GeosNews It
Dissemination of the project - “L’OCCHIO DEL TESTIMONE – THE WITNESS’ EYE” in local media press
Pescara base di lancio de L’occhio del testimone, progetto finanziato dal programma Erasmus+ dell’Unione europea - Notizie D'Abruzzo
Si chiama L’occhio del testimone il progetto finanziato dal programma Erasmus+ dell’Unione europea che punta a migliorare i risultati scolastici degli studenti, nonché alla maggiore gratificazione dei docenti nello svolgere la professione. Il tutto nella scuola ai tempi della pandemia. Con L’Italia come paese proponente e coordinatore e la città di Pescara come punto di riferimento dell’iniziativa, in programma nei suoi primi step dal 24 gennaio al 6 febbraio, negli spazi del Circolo Aternino. Per proseguire poi fra Spagna, Macedonia del nord, Bulgaria, Svezia, Norvegia e terminare nell’aprile 2023. Il tutto a cura dell’abruzzese Fabrizio Paluzzi, project-manager associato del Centro studi Metiva Academy, con il patrocinio dell’assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Pescara, per le iniziative che coinvolgono il capoluogo adriatico…
e dad, da Pescara un progetto europeo -
Il tutto a cura dell’abruzzese
Fabrizio Paluzzi
Si chiama "L’occhio del testimone" il progetto
finanziato dal programma Erasmus+ dell’Unione europea che punta a migliorare i
risultati scolastici degli studenti, nonché alla maggiore gratificazione dei
docenti nello svolgere la professione. Il tutto nella scuola ai tempi della
Con L’Italia
come Paese proponente e coordinatore e la città di Pescara come punto di riferimento
dell’iniziativa, in programma nei suoi primi step dal 24 gennaio al 6 febbraio,
negli spazi del Circolo Aternino. Per proseguire poi fra Spagna, Macedonia del
nord, Bulgaria, Svezia, Norvegia e terminare nell’aprile 2023. Il tutto a cura
dell’abruzzese Fabrizio Paluzzi, project-manager associato del Centro studi Metiva Academy, con il patrocinio dell’assessorato alla Cultura
del Comune di Pescara, per le iniziative che coinvolgono il capoluogo adriatico.
“Docenti ed educatori saranno beneficiari diretti di nove moduli didattici audiovisivi che serviranno loro per sviluppare percorsi creativi mediati da teatro, musica, danza e pittura a sostegno dell’istruzione, suggerendo attività che supportino sia la Dad che la didattica in presenza” spiega Fabrizio Paluzzi.
Scuola e Dad, progetto pescarese in Europa - Metropolitan Web, Giornale online
… Nel campo dell’istruzione sono emerse esigenze legate alle competenze digitali dei docenti delle scuole primarie e secondarie e alle capacità e agli strumenti in loro possesso per catturare e mantenere alta l’attenzione, specie in Dad. Inoltre, categorie importanti e fondamentali per un Paese, come quelle di tutto il comparto arte e cultura, con il relativo terziario legato alla creatività e interconnesso con l’istruzione, sono state praticamente dimenticate. E quindi sono parte integrante del progetto”. - spiega Fabrizio Paluzzi.
The MAIN OBJECTIVES of our project want to combine the
need of cultural operators and artists, with the need for teachers and
educators, to stimulate the attention of students in this critical context,
both in teaching "in presence" and "remotely".
The cooperation partner countries ITALY, SPAIN, MACEDONIA,
BULGARIA, SWEDEN AND NORWAY, have organizations engaged in the field of
education and want to provide accessible tools to any teacher anywhere in the
world, at any time.
Each training activity will be broadcast in live streaming,
but also recorded and edited to constitute a themed Didactic Module, in
the language of the country in which it takes place and translated and / or
subtitled in English.
The ACTIVITIES will be:
C1 Digitalization
and Teachers METIVA (IT)
C2 Mediation of
C3 Theater of
Narration METIVA (IT)
C4 Creative
Writing METIVA (IT)
C5 Music for
C6 Media
Literacy and Arts. ESPACIO ROJO (ES)
C7 Music and
C8 Dance
C9Young People and Creative Education INTERMEZZO
In addition to the 9 themed Didactic Modules, the following
will be realized:
- 1 Documentary, of about 50 minutes, in English, on the
possibilities of suggestions for a creative didactic mediation both "in
presence" and "remotely".
- 1 Miniseries in 12 episodes, subtitled in English, lasting
30 minutes per episode, with a narrative cut on the peculiarities of
adolescence of a pedagogical nature.
The innovative aspect of our intellectual output is above
all in the language "in the very first person" through which it
communicates, both in the Didactic Modules and in the Documentary and in the
Miniseries, through, in fact, "The Eye of the Witness – The Witness'
The language used does not communicate through didactic notions but through process empaths, based on Emotional Intelligence, on recognizing and recognizing oneself in the other, through emotional learning.
Friday, January 14, 2022
Online coordination meeting
Online coordination meeting for discussing the activities and situation before learning activities C1, C2 and C3 which are about to be implemented in near future.
Transnational project meeting in PICSAT ABRUZZO
On November 18th-19th, 2021 was organized the first transnational project meeting in Italy hosted by PICSAT ABRUZZO. On this project meeting attended project managers and coordinators from project partner organizations. The program had activities for presentation of the project and the project partners, were discussed the activity plan and calendar, the tasks and responsibilities of each partner and the activities implementation.
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Let's introduce ourselves
Centro Studi Metiva Academy Association
From Cava dei Tirreni (SA), Italy.
“Centro Studi Metiva Academy Association, for the development of entrepreneurial and digital culture, in Italy and abroad”
The Centro Studi Metiva Academy is a non-profit cultural association that carries out study and research activities on methods for:
- the learning of young people and adults aimed at the promotion, development and management of business projects;
- the culture of entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs, professionals, as s well as companies and businesses;
- the promotion and management of training and consultancy activities for members and public or private organizations interested in creating, developing and disseminating entrepreneurial culture in general and that for projects in particular;
- non-formal learning for young and old, in order to improve skills, including media literacy skills, the development of critical thinking and the spirit of initiative.
The Association aims to represent a cultural center for the study and research of methodologies for the learning of young people and adults for the promotion, development and management of both entrepreneurial and digital projects, but also projects that aim to strengthen democracy, combat manipulation, propaganda and false news and online misinformation.
The working group of the Centro Studi Metiva Academy has gained experience in the field:
- of European direct design;
- training of young people and adults;
- development of youthful and innovative educational methods of participation and youth work;
- media education and development of social skills and competences MIL (Media and Information Literacy);
- the development of start-ups and improvement of internal systems for product and resource management;
- development a new methodologies of didactics and tools.
We are professionals of the business organization. We work with start-ups, companies, cultural associations and NGOs.
Let's introduce ourselves
ABRUZZO is a non-profit Social Promotion Association focused above all on the
production of audiovisual and theatrical products. It promotes and maintains
relationships with other third sector organizations, with public and private
bodies, both national and international, for the implementation of common
programs and initiatives.
The APS "PICSAT Abruzzo" mainly aims to carry out the following activities:
- education,
training and professional training and cultural activities of social interest
with educational purposes;
- organization
and management of cultural, artistic or recreational activities of social
interest, including activities, editorial activities, to promote and
disseminate the culture and practice of volunteering and activities of general
The idea of the
name of the Cultural Association, or PICSAT Abruzzo, is mainly based on an
acronym that takes place in six precise words: Independent Production of
Cinema, Social, Arts and Theater, founded and operating in Abruzzo region of
Abruzzo" therefore aims to produce, promote and distribute independent
cinematographic and theatrical audiovisual works, but also belonging to other
artistic expressions, such as music, photography and regional publishing, which
can contribute to enhance and promote, also and above all, the Abruzzo culture
in Italy and in the world.
In particular, the Association aims to deepen, investigate and search for "forgotten" stories linked to popular culture and folklore of a land as lively as that of Abruzzo, which aims to relive in the present from myth and oral narration, capturing the new generations. It promotes the cultural and social growth of mankind and the local territorial context, through artistic film, television, theater activities that include production and training, with meetings, seminars, debates, workshops, audiovisuals, films, short films, and reportage.
Let's introduce ourselves
From Kavadarci, N. Macedonia.
SCIENTIA NOVA Kavadarci - Association for development of education, culture and youth.
Also the
Association SCIENTIA NOVA takes part in activation of the youth in the process
of integration in Europe, based on the principles of peace, human rights,
democracy and the rule of law; promotion of youth activism and education, as
well as youth influence on public policies; contribution to the development of
civil society, as well as the involvement of young people in social events and
processes, especially in the decision-making process in local communities etc.
NOVA Association works as educational center for non-formal and lifelong
learning. The experience of SCIENTIA NOVA about Inclusion in education and
society is focused on putting inclusive values into action, supporting everyone
to feel that they belong in the society, increasing participation of students
and adults in cultural activities, relationships and communities of local
schools, restructuring cultures, policies and practices to respond to diversity
in ways that value everyone equally, recognizing that inclusion in education is
one aspect of inclusion in society etc.
The musical
and theatrical performances are more than just an artistic performance; it is a
way to prepare students for a society full of cultural works. We want to make
students to learn about artistic access, literacy, communication, cultures,
rights and responsibilities.
Let's introduce ourselves
Sredno uchilishte “Sveti sveti Kiril i Metodii”
From VIDIN, Bulgaria.
SU “Sveti sveti Kiril I Metodii, is a secondary school, specialized in the field of arts. The school works in three levels: elementary, lower secondary and high school level. We have students with special educational needs (21 students), as well as students from the minorities. Our students can study subjects like Bulgarian folk music, classical instruments, folk dances and art. The school is located in the town of Vidin, in northwestern Bulgaria. The school is one of the oldest schools in the town of Vidin, founded in 1885 as an elementary school. In 1985 the first Art classes started. In 1989 the first Music classes were founded. In 1993 the first Choreography studios opened doors for students from the 1st to the 12th grade. The study of folk arts give the young learners the opportunity to gain knowledge, acquire skills and develop discipline in the sphere of dancing, music and painting, which make a profound and lasting impact over their cultural life and values.
The students also study different musical instruments- piano, guitar, trumpet, bagpipes, accordion, flute and others. There are also classes, specialized in art- painting, graphics, iconography, fine arts. The main purpose of schools like ours is to preserve the cultural diversity in the various ethnographic regions of Bulgaria.
Let's introduce ourselves
From Madrid, SPAIN.
Espacio Rojo, was established on 2004, to support artistic creation in all its facets,
generate spaces for reflection, debate and meeting of people related to the
cultural field and promote participation projects that promote
interculturality, integration and social awareness, bringing art, culture,
education closer together in order to improve and build a better society.
Our Mission Statement is:
-Encourage the participation and support the socio-labor insertion of
vulnerable groups.
-Support the most disadvantaged children.
-Promote equality of opportunities between women and men.
-Promote formal and non-formal education in its various artistic
-Support artistic creation to promote emerging artistic and cultural
-Promote the participation of women, as well as other vulnerable groups.
-To turn art & culture into a tool for raising society's awareness of
social problems.
-Being a culture, art & education space of reference for participation,
reflection, debate.
Espacio Rojo´s, Madrid, in Spain experience is based on working more than ten years with the objective
of creation and promotion of cultural, artistic and social research through participatory design projects and community processes through collaboration with other groups and agents at the local, national and international level.
The organisation has experience (since 2006) in organizing arts-based and educational workshops and programs for socially vulnerable people (all ages) and training the trainers programs for educators, artists, therapists, NGO staff, volunteers as well as thematic conferences and seminars in Spain and other European countries.
Let's introduce ourselves
Nordic Horizon Institute AB
From Stockholm, Sweden.
Nordic Horizon Institute AB is institution based in Stockholm,
Sweden deliver programs in vocational training, research, ICT skills, adult
education and assisting young people in their personal and socio-economic and
cultural development and integration in line with experience in VET Erasmus
(social) entrepreneurship, Sustainability, life-long learning.
Nordic Horizon institute promotes and
carries out activities such as:
-Informative and professional orientation
-Seminars and workshops
-Trainings in youth entrepreneurship, youth
organizations and social workers;
- Advocacy and dissemination Campaigns.
Let's introduce ourselves
Intermezzo Ungdomsorganisasjon
From Drammen, Norway.
INTERMEZZO aims to...
- Create opportunity for problem-solving for young people
- Facilitate active participation of young people
- improve young people's social, development and vocational skills.
- Encourage young people in the region,
- Influence the development of society and to defend the rights of immigrants.
Organized by: Intermezzo Ungdoms organisasjon Location: Norway
Sredno uchilishte “Sveti sveti Kiril i Metodii” From VIDIN, Bulgaria. SU “Sveti sveti Kiril I Metodii, is a secondary school, specia...
ESPACIO ROJO Asociacion From M adrid, SPAIN . Espacio Rojo , was established on 2004, to support artistic creation in all its facets, gener...
Nikolay from Bulgaria presented the traditional custom in Bulgaria celebrating the start of the spring and of new life. Martenitsa is a smal...